University of Arizona Students Named TRB Minority Student Fellows

TRI is celebrating the fifth year of the University of Arizona's participation in the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Minority Student Fellowship. UArizona students have been eligible for this fellowship since the University was designated a Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI). The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) supports the fellowship, which includes a trip to present at the TRB Annual Meeting in Washington, DC, a faculty mentor, and special networking opportunities. Each fellow works with a faculty mentor to write or co-author a research paper for presentation at TRB. This year’s UArizona TRB Minority Student Fellow is Alonso Carillo, who worked with professors Arlie Adkins and Nicole Iroz-Elardo to write a paper on strategies for providing affordable housing in transit-oriented development. Alonso is a dual degree master’s student in Real Estate Development and Urban Planning. Past UA fellows are Ash Avila, Lincoln Edwards, Julian Griffee, and Monica Landgrave-Serrano. UArizona faculty and students wanting to learn more about the program can visit the TRB program page here. Stay tuned for an announcement on the TRI website about the selection process for the 2024 fellows in early 2023.